Monday 28 January 2019

Can a police officer make me sign a blank sheet? Do the Chilean police have the erroneous information about me in their electronic system?

Today I visited the Police again. They gave me a Travel certificate that does not correspond to my actual movements. The police officer explained that this information is contained in their system.
Do the Chilean police have the erroneous information about me in their electronic system?

Can a police officer make me sign a blank sheet?

Who turned off my internet access when I wanted to publish this 4 hours ago?

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya 


  1. My twitter profile has limitations after I wrote "Can a police officer make me sign a blank sheet? Do the Chilean police have the erroneous information about me in their electronic system"?

  2. Who turned off my internet access when I wanted to publish this 4 hours ago?
