Tuesday 31 July 2018

I am announcing an auction of our scientific achievements that will make the work from the field of mining and metallurgy very lucrative, simple, fast and easy

Are you tired of the fact that your employees can not solve the elementary tasks? You spend a lot of money on their training, conferences, exchange of experience. But do they go to the laboratory as at the Stone Age and for years can not solve elementary problems? Moreover, employees do not have the appropriate basic skills and knowledge to solve complex modern problems.

Do not be discouraged! Buy genuine original "Petrovsky's Matrix" and we will help you!

Using the "Petrovsky's Matrix", any of you can make the necessary calculations in a few hours.

You do not need to study, read mountains of scientific literature, have special education and specific knowledge. We did it for you. 
We are the only ones in the world who have the necessary modern knowledge and we are ready to share with you.

Your employees have long been convinced of the effectiveness of the "Petrovsky's Matrix" and they fill me with their questions.

Buy "Petrovsky's Matrix" and we will help you! We do not have competitors.

Let's say that you went the traditional way. You invested hundreds of billions of dollars. You have trained hundreds of new specialists, opened new research institutes and laboratories, and issued hundreds of scientific grants. And so, 50-100 years passed, but a miracle did not happen. Your money flows like water into the sand. You did not wait for the expected result. In addition, subsequent generations of researchers and industrialists also went the wrong way. I know many such examples. If a researcher can just "eat money" for years without getting the expected final result, then he will do so (Murphy's Law).
If you have not yet done this, then stop, and do nothing. This will save your money for the present business.

Using the "Petrovsky's Matrix" guarantees you super profit today!

I am announcing an auction of our scientific achievements that will make the work from the field of mining and metallurgy very lucrative, simple, fast and easy.

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya and Ph.D. Igor Bobin

Sunday 29 July 2018

Gladiolus: Top 10 posts in July

1. Top 10 of the WORST REPORTS (2 in the overall ranking. The publication is 2 months in the rating)


 3. They write comments and cowardly erase them

 4. Mineral or metal? What is the difference?

5.  USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never  (5 in the overall ranking. The publication is 2 months in the rating)

 6. THEY HACKED MY ACCOUNTS AGAIN (4 in the overall ranking)

 7. Website "CONCENTRATION OF MINERALS": Top for the first half of 2018

8. I will not choose between the English US or the English Britain, as they advise me. I will create a Scanning system of mining in the language of the one who will pay for it 

9.1. I got a new e-mail petrovskaya@gmx.com

9.2. Website "CONCENTRATION OF MINERALS": Top for 2017 

 10. Telegram. I switched to a protected connection without censorship and blocking
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Telegram. Ph.D. Igor Bobin



MINERAL MODELING https://t.me/mineral_modeling

HOLLYWOOD and MINING https://t.me/joinchat/JuTCCQ23W5uk3uapS6zycQ

MINERAL MODELING https://t.me/joinchat/JuTCCRHN_o7zhE6HM9H-8w

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

They hacked my Twitter today again

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Friday 27 July 2018

We will share with you the knowledge that any expert doesn't have in the world!

We will help you to do this:
  • We will help you become the Metallurgical King.
  • We will help you choose the best mineral deposit.
  • We will help you to see the real prospects of the future mineral field.
  • We will help you assess the risks of the new mineral field, taking into account the risks of technology in the ore processing.
  • We will help you to avoid unreasonable and useless costs even before a planning stage.
You can contact our for more information

We know everything in the mineral enrichment. We have no competitors.

Hurry, because our small team may be busy again on another project, and you will have to wait.

Give yourself a chance to become rich and to earn billions!

© Ph.D. Igor Bobin, Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday 26 July 2018

Telegram. I switched to a protected connection without censorship and blocking


Beneficiation. Concentration. Separation. Enrichment.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Beneficiation. Concentration. Separation. Enrichment.


Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Wednesday 25 July 2018