Friday 29 June 2018

Top 10 tweets in June, 2018, on Twitter

1. BREAKTHROUGH IN FUTURE OF MINING Let's assume that you are behind in the development of mining. How did it happen that even weak and poor competitors have overtaken you? What to do? (4th place in the overall ranking of the blog Natalia Petrovskaya)

2. Flotation is a physical methods of the separation of minerals The drawings show the film flotation of gold and the flotation of chocolate (DAF). Watch the video "flotation of grapes in champagne". Where is the chemistry? (3rd place in the June ranking in the blog Gladiolus)

3. USGS does not know that helium is gas and the US is the largest producer of helium? Helium is a gas, but not a mineral.The USA produces more than 50-75% of Helium in the world. How helium is "critical" for the US? (Blog Gladiolus)

4. We announced this topic in the group "Froth Flotation" Linkedin. For two months there is no one like and visit this topic. It seemed strange to me. We announced this topic again two months later. More than 200 views in two weeks and 15 likes. How can this be explained? (Blog Gladiolus)

5. Give yourself a chance to become rich and to earn a billion!  (Blog Gladiolus)

6. GOLD (2016 film) The film is loosely based on the true story of the 1993 Bre-X mining scandal, when a massive gold deposit was supposedly discovered in the Indonesia. Loosely based on a true story, Wells decides to travel to Indonesia to track revive his company's fortunes.  (Blog Gladiolus)

7. Attention! If somebody shows you my signature on any documents, then double-check it! Do not take any signatures seriously without my personal presence or notarial authorization! There may be cases of fraud.Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya (Blog Gladiolus)

8. Industrial classification of metals. By PhD_Petrovskaya (Blog Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya)

9. Top 10 of the WORST REPORTS  (Blog Gladiolus)
10. PROSPECTIVE RARE METALS Mark II. By Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya (Blog Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya)

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday 28 June 2018

They erase from the general rating my following publications

 These publications are included in the rating of the best. They wash them.

I'm studying a Physical World Map, not a Political World Map
You often ask me: "In which country is the best place for us to go in for mining?"
I answer you: "I'm NOT A POLITICAL SCIENTIST. I'm  studying a Physical World Map, not a Political World Map.."

2. I'm not interested in working in an university group or other scientific group or a team
One  writes to me: "Do you join our group if you are interested?"

My answer to this proposal and the like: "No, I'm not interested in working in an university group or other scientific group or a team, in such groups there is usually a very blurred composition of their members and the same blurred responsibility for the final result of the project.

I'm not happy with the fact that I can not determine the final result in such cases, as a result it is very bad for any project, customer or investor.

I work alone, I can do almost anything I need.  I use to personally answer for the final result of my work. Therefore, I do not need any bands, except my own little team.

3. If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements. What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit?

4. One geologist told me: "I've found a deposit of REE"
One geologist told me: "I've found a deposit of REE, which content is 4-6%. Develop me a technology, please!"

I told him: "Firstly I would like to be sure that you have found the deposit, rather than granite quarry.
Later, he gave me the mineralogical composition of the ore. I was right. He found an apatite deposit. Usually, apatite is breed mineral.
This occurrence is not a REE deposit. Fertilizer is the maximum You can get."

P.S. A good mineral deposit is a rare find. Not every occurrence of minerals is a true mineral deposit.

For example, under the guise of REE deposits, they can sell an occurrence containing apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite and many others. Such “deposits” are unpromising for the production of REE.

From apatite you can get only mineral fertilizers. You can become an ordinary fertilizer producer, but you will never become a Rare Earth King.

You didn’t dream about this!

We can give a lot of such examples. We presented in the table only a few real examples:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Gladiolus: Top 10 posts in June

1. Top 10 of the WORST REPORTS (7 in the overall ranking)
2. USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never (10 in the overall ranking)

3. Flotation is a physical methods of the separation of minerals 
4. To whom will you sell iron concentrate with a high content of silicates? (2 in the overall ranking. The publication is 3 months in the rating (April, May, June)

5. I'm not interested in working in an university group or other scientific group or a team   They erased my publication from the overall rating again. (6 in the overall ranking)

6. Bubble 
7. THEY HACKED MY ACCOUNTS AGAIN (5 in the overall ranking)
8. Top 10 tweets in May on Twitter

9. Can hydroxyl ions OH- to suppress a pyrite?
 Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

10. USA is the largest in the world reserves of yttrium. USA has unique minerals containing yttrium. However, the USA buys yttrium in other countries

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Why did USGS make scandium in the list "critical minerals" twice?

Scandium is metal, but not a mineral.
Previously, the list of "critical minerals" from USGS looked like this. More
Scandium was a part of Rare earth elements.

The list of "critical minerals" in 2018 looks like this. More
Why did USGS make scandium in the list "critical minerals" twice?

 For what purpose did the USGS make scandium among the "critical minerals" twice?1, They do not know that scandium is not a mineral?
2. They do not know that scandium belongs to the group of rare earth elements?
3. Did they write it off from others?
4. Other purpose?

 Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

You can read also

For me, it's not news that the USGS does not distinguish minerals from metals. Why didn't anyone tell them about that for 100 years?

USGS does not know that Helium is gas but not a mineral, and the US is the largest producer of Helium?

USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never

Tuesday 26 June 2018

USGS does not know that Helium is gas but not a mineral, and the US is the largest producer of Helium?

Helium is a gas, but not a mineral. How can they not distinguish between gas and mineral?
The USA produces more than 50-75% of Helium in the world. How Helium is "critical" for the US?

Why did USGS included Helium in "Interior Releases 2018’s Final List of 35 Minerals Deemed Critical to U.S. National Security and the Economy"?

After hydrogen, helium is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe. More.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Sunday 24 June 2018

Oxygen is required for the use of xanthate

Example 1. You should evaluate the thermodynamic probability of sorption of ethyl xanthate on the unoxidized (unmodified) surface of galena:

Since ΔG0 is positive, the flow of this process is thermodynamically incredible. This is confirmed by the practice of the flotation. The mineral surface should be partially oxidized to fix the xanthate. This is imperative.

Example 2. You should rate thermodynamic probability of xanthate sorption after the partial oxidation of the surface of galena:

Since ΔG0 is negative in both cases, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. The mineral surface should be partially oxidized to fix the xanthate. 

P.S.  Sorption of flotation reagents at interfaces occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by a loss of free surface energy. Changing the standard free energy Gibbs ΔG0 in the sorption of flotoreagents at the interface is described by Gibbs [1].
For the thermodynamic probable processes accompanied by energy loss, the value of Gibbs free energy
ΔG0 should have a negative value.


© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Top 10 of the WORST REPORTS

1. For me, it's not news that the USGS does not distinguish minerals from metals. Why didn't anyone tell them about that for 100 years? 

2. If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements. What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit?

3. They in Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment don't know the difference between minerals, metals, rocks, mineral groups, metal groups and so on

4. They (Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, University of London, UK) do not know what apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite occurrence are unpromising for the production of REE 

5.  What is innovation in Russia?


  6. USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never

7I can't trust this report of the World Bank and ICMM


8. "AGENCY OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION" doesn't know that lithium, tantalum and niobium are not rare-earth metals


9.  What THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION does not know about "Critical Raw Materials"?


10. Silicon metal does not exist! 

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

They hacked my accounts from the IP address of our building

On June 23, 2018, I discovered the following:
1. My profile in Linkedin was opened from one IP address on two computers. That is, they hacked Linkedin on June 22.

2. They switched the language to Russian. I use English

3. Since colleagues write me two addresses, they hacked the mail and deleted some letters, maybe they wrote something. As soon as I enter my mail, someone gives access to Chrome.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Saturday 23 June 2018


  Excerpt from the article "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE"
Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure!

However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor:

However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor:

Bubble. Under various pretexts, Contractor is actively trying to attract to the implementation of the project as much as possible quantity of performers and subcontractors (often from different countries).
He also clearly justifies the need to divide the project into numerous intermediate parts and sub-parts. Contractor justifies the need for a large quantity of experiments, analysis, tests, consultations.
Why? Indeed, in this case, it is much easier to justify the exaggerated budget of the project and to dilute responsibility for the final result. Who is a culpable, that it didn't work? Immediately one could not tell it. "It's been a part of the project, and it is made with quality! Let's look at a new project, all these things can be improved!"

And your looting continues. 
The worse the work is done, the more contractor earns with additional services to further improve of some things. 
And you feel a pity for to stop it all, because you have already given the contractor a lot of money.

Friday 22 June 2018

Bait with a great name

Excerpt from the article "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE"
Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure!

However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor:

Bait with a great name. Contractor is trying to get you by a great name of scientist or a famous professional, who is reportedly already agreed to participate in the project. Some indirect proof of this is presented to you. But the well-known scientist (pro) is not contacting with you now (on some reasons). Only a mediator leads all negotiations and meetings. When the contract has been signed, the famous scientist's name is missing from the list of performers of the project by some reason. Or his name disappears at a later stage of the project. But this is no one cares. They in fact already spent the money. In some cases, a participation of famous person in the project is still supported, but only as a sign in the final document. You've never seen this person. Also, may be another version of this swindle - in the list of performers of the project will be name (s) of other person (s), but very similar with the great name. In this case, please contact directly with the famous person, discuss your project and its part in the project. Often this famous person even doesn't know about the project.

Free download of article  "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE" in pdf

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday 21 June 2018

USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never

"Final List of Critical Minerals 2018" contains 3 minerals. There not are minerals, methods for separating minerals and many other. 

The world can sleep peacefully. 

USGS will not be able to create a "scanning system of the future" never.

USGS published "Interior Releases 2018’s Final List of 35 Minerals Deemed Critical to U.S. National Security and the Economy"

The US is one of the main importers of steel (iron). However, the USGS believes that iron is not a critical or strategic metal.

 USGS have problems with mathematics, too, as with chemistry and mineralogy.
The US needs 52 metals.

 Helium is a gas, but not a mineral. How can they not distinguish between gas and mineral?
The USA produces more than 50-75% of Helium in the world. How Helium is "critical mineral" for the US?

Why did USGS make scandium in the list "critical minerals" twice?



You can read also

For me, it's not news that the USGS does not distinguish minerals from metals. Why didn't anyone tell them about that for 100 years?

USGS does not know that Helium is gas but not a mineral, and the US is the largest producer of Helium?

Why did USGS make scandium in the list "critical minerals" twice?

Ph. D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Wednesday 20 June 2018


Excerpt from the article "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE"
Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure!

However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor:

2.  Bluff. Contractor quickly agrees to solve any your complex problem even without requesting the necessary information on the subject matter. - "Of course, we can do it all! Without doubt!" The Contractor easy gives a lot of promises to you. Do not be surprised when you find a discuss of your problem on Web Forums and somebody requests free help to solve them. There is only one conclusion: the contractor was not originally going to really solve your problem. He hopes to get out somehow before deadline of the project (to find one culpable).

 Free download of article  "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE" in pdf

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya 

Monday 18 June 2018

Can hydroxyl ions OH- to suppress a pyrite?

On the surface of pyrite FeS2 there is the surface compound of ethyl xanthate of iron Fe(C2H5OCSS)2. The surface compound is formed as a result of chemical sorption and it consists of ethyl xanthate anions C2H5OCSS- and iron cations Fe2+. Can hydroxyl ions OH- to displace from the surface of pyrite the anions of ethyl xanthate C2H5OCSS- and to form the new surface compound of ferric hydroxide Fe(ОН)2 as a result of chemical sorption?

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Since ΔG0 is negative, the flow of this process is thermodynamically probable. This reaction is used for the depression of pyrite by lime.
The results of the practice argue that, with the chemical sorption of xanthate, poorly soluble compound of xanthate of iron
Fe(C2H5OCSS)2 is formed on the surface of pyrite. This compound can be removed from the pyrite surface only with using its displacing by the hydroxyl ions, which are actively interact with the iron cations Fe2+ to form ferric hydroxide Fe(ОН)2.

P.S.  Sorption of flotation reagents at interfaces occurs spontaneously and is accompanied by a loss of free surface energy. Changing the standard free energy Gibbs ΔG0 in the sorption of flotoreagents at the interface is described by Gibbs [1].
For the thermodynamic probable processes accompanied by energy loss, the value of Gibbs free energy
ΔG0 should have a negative value.


© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Wednesday 13 June 2018


Let's assume that you are behind in the development of mining. 
How did it happen that even weak and poor competitors have overtaken you? What to do?

I suggest that you bypass the path of traditional development and make a leap forward.

My cherished goal: The system scans the terrain, finds a mineral deposit and offers 5-10 competing technologies for processing minerals.

While the creeping empiricist is still huddling with ore in the lab and is spending $ 1000 or more on one experiment, you are sitting in a cozy office, and various automatic devices do research work for you in a few minutes or hours.

You do not need hundreds of specialists in the field of mining, but only a few people to interact with the expert system. An independent expert system will describe the real situation (only if it is correctly taught) and will give you the accurate way of solving the problem. The system has no fear of being fired for a negative forecast and it has no a desire to delay the solution of the problem and raise the salary. The system has no jealousy for a more talented and successful fellow researcher, there is no desire to lime it to the detriment of the common cause. Now you know where to go and where our goal is.

We are ahead, and competitors are outsiders, who are compelled to overtake us.

Let's say that you went the traditional way. You invested hundreds of billions of dollars. You have trained hundreds of new specialists, opened new research institutes and laboratories, and issued hundreds of scientific grants. And so, 50-100 years passed, but a miracle did not happen. Your money flows like water into the sand. You did not wait for the expected result. In addition, subsequent generations of researchers and industrialists also went the wrong way. I know many such examples. If a researcher can just "eat money" for years without getting the expected final result, then he will do so (Murphy's Law). The increase in funding for research will only exacerbate this situation.

Why is this happening? Because you go a long and thorny traditional way. You do everything like everyone and repeat their mistakes. If you have not yet done this, then stop, and do nothing. This will save your money for the present business. Do not spend money in vain is to earn money! Machines do not need money!

Join us, and you can make a breakthrough in mining with us!

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya and Ph.D. Igor Bobin

Free download of article  "BREAKTHROUGH IN FUTURE OF MINING" in pdf

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Do not take any signatures seriously without my personal presence or notarial authorization!

Attention! If somebody shows you my signature on any documents, then double-check it! Do not take any signatures seriously without my personal presence or notarial authorization! There may be cases of fraud.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Friday 8 June 2018

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948 film)

It is a feature film about two financially desperate Americans, Fred C. Dobbs  and Bob Curtin, who in the 1920s join old-timer Howard in Mexico to prospect for gold.


Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Sunday 3 June 2018

Flotation is a physical methods of the separation of minerals

Flotation is a physical process.
The drawings show the film flotation of gold and the  flotation of chocolate (DAF).

Where is the chemistry? There is no chemistry.
Flotation is described by the equations of physics.

Watch the video "Flotation of grapes in champagne". 
Where is the chemistry?

Some people have an outdated opinion. They make mistakes.
MEI Blog (Dr. Barry Wills) wrote: "Physical Separation '19 and Computational Modelling '19 are back in Cornwall".

I wrote: "Hi,
Why is there no flotation? Flotation is a physical methods of the separation of minerals also.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya"

They did not agree with my opinion and wrote: "Physical Separation '19 deals with processes such as gravity and magnetic separation which are purely physical. Flotation is a physico-chemical process and MEI has a very successful series of conferences dealing solely with froth flotation. The next one is Flotation '19 in November next year."

I wrote: "It's a delusion.
Flotation is a physical process.
Film flotation. Where is the chemistry?
Vacuum flotation. Where is the chemistry?
Oil flotation. Where is the chemistry?
And so on."

It's not scientifically to write "Solid-Liquid Separation". Correctly write "Dewatering".
You include on dehydration, but did not include flotation.
Why do not you think that dehydration is a physico-chemical process? Chemical reagents are used for dehydration too.
Dissolution of minerals is a physicochemical process.

He wrote: "Tell this to the many chemical companies, flotation chemistry researchers etc who attend MEI's flotation conferences."

I answered: "
The car needs gasoline, kerosene, motor oil, water, antifreeze, polishing fluid, car shampoo, freon....This does not mean that driving by car is a physico-chemical process.
I think that chemical companies will not take offense at me. The essence of the process does not matter to them. For them, the most important thing is "to sell more and more expensive."

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya