Sunday 18 February 2018

If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements. What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit?

Many people ask me to give free advice.
I will show you one example. Within 2.5 years I received from the "Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp. " more than 50 letters. Read some letters. More

They discover copper, sometimes silver, sometimes gold, rare earth elements. Then many metals disappear, but they find others.
And so on ad infinitum?
What "Liberty Star" is looking for in The Hay Mountain  in Arizona?

If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements.
What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit?
P.S. 15 October 2018. Today one person called me. He already contacted me for consultation in 2015, but then he decided that he could solve this issue on his own. He believed that the field "Hay Mountain" is the deposit of rare earth metals. 3 years have passed. Today, he asked for advice on copper-cobalt ores.

I wrote you "As a result, you will come to me with the last hope.with your so-called "mineral deposits" for my help to return to you at least part of your lost money. After all, except me, no one can really help you with the case... All others are just talking and promising."

On September 23, 2015 he wrote to me: "...which in turn contains porphyry copper associate metals including lead, zinc, molybdenum, potassium, manganese, vanadium occasional silver, uranium, vanadium and copper."

On June 23, 2016, he writes to me. "...Hay Mountain land package possesses commercially viable deposits of copper, molybdenum, gold, silver, lead, zinc, manganese and other metals including rare earth elements, uranium and thorium but data to date suggests it does."

July 24, 2017 they found cobalt.

On December 1, 2017 they wrote to me: "This summer we scanned for numerous elements and had positive results for silver, gold, cobalt, copper, molybdenum iron, nickel, lead, uranium, and zinc."

On December 14, 2017 they found only copper: "Hay Mountain (Cochise County, Arizona) is in fact a typical Paleozoic limestone hosted porphyry copper emanating from a quartz monzonitic stock indicated by our detailed geophysics."
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya


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  3. If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements. What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit?
    These publications are the most popular. Who removed them from the statistics? Why did they delete these publications from the statistics?

  4. Today one person called me. He already contacted me for consultation in 2015, but then he decided that he could solve this issue on his own. He believed that the field "Hay Mountain" is the deposit of rare earth metals. 3 years have passed. Today, he asked for advice on copper-cobalt ores.

    I wrote you "As a result, you will come to me with the last hope.with your so-called "mineral deposits" for my help to return to you at least part of your lost money. After all, except me, no one can really help you with the case... All others are just talking and promising.".
