Saturday 28 December 2019

Twitter: Top 15 tweets in December, 2019

1.  This project is unprofitable. Ecological benefit is very doubtful. West Virginia Water Research Institute at West Virginia University has been awarded $5 million by the U.S. Department of Energy to continue Rare Earth Recovery Project, Build Acid Mine DrainageTreatment Facility More

2. They of Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy of Germany did not find any critical mineral! Cd, In, Ga, Se, Te, Nd, Dy, Y, Ni, K are metals, but not minerals. More

3. Why Russian scientists from "National Research Technological University" MISIS, (SUPPORTED BY RUSSIAN SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATION) do not determine the flotation rate, how I do it. Why do they calculate the fictional "The flotation rate constant", which does not exist? More

4.  This is not dissolved air flotation (DAF). This is a mechanism of forced aeration flotation, but did not dissolved air flotation. DAF feature: air bubbles form on all microparticles (hydrophobic and hydrophilic). Bubbles do not meet with particles (National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse, France) More

5.  If I ask you: "What is the cars rate constant?"
You will answer me: "I do not drive at a constant speed. I accelerate and brake. I determine the speed by the speedometer." 
The flotation rate varies over time (see figure). How can a time-varying process have a rate constant? Complete nonsense! More

6. Fluorspar is not a composed material or element, but a mineral. Promethium is practically not found in nature. No one makes promethium and no one uses it. Graphite is a mineral, but not an element (С). C (carbon)? What about a carbon-free future? More

7. CLASSIFICATION OF MINERAL DEPOSITS AND RAW MATERIAL RESOURCES. Author of classification is Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya More

8.  Kozin V.Z. *Ural State Mining University, Ekaterinburg, Russia.) "Critical review to the article "Determination of average flotation rate constants on the results of testing" . How can a time-varying process have a rate constant? Complete nonsense! More

9.  Filippov L.O. (Université de Lorraine, France; National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia), Matinin A. S., Lekhatinov C. A. Why do they calculate the fictional "The flotation rate constant", which does not exist? More

10. Researchers of University of Rochester in New York wrote "These grooves made the surface superhydrophobic by allowing it to capture air and repel water."
IT IS NOT TRUE!!! They must treat the surface with a water repellent to make the surface hydrophobic, but they did not. More

11.  One geologist told me: "I've found a deposit of REE, which content is 4-6%. Develop me a technology, please!"
I told him: "He found an apatite deposit. Usually, apatite is breed mineral. This occurrence is not a REE deposit." More

12.  One asks me: "We want to participate in your tender, but we do not have the mineral composition of the ore in our field. But we have a report signed by famous scientists, academics, economists..."
I answered him: "I buy mineral deposit for myself, so I only consider my opinion" More

13. Picobubbles cannot exist even theoretically!!! This is complete nonsense!!! 
The picobubbles should be 10-12м, but 1 micron is 10-6м. 
This is as how to compare one million dollars and one dollar More

14. NaOH is inorganic substances and coagulant, so it could not cause flocculation. 
Therefore, the mechanism of action is also erroneous.
Flocculants are organic substances, and coagulants are inorganic substances.
These are different mechanisms of action. More

15. Investors often ask us: "WHAT IS THE SECRET OF YOUR SUCCESS?"
We answer: "The success or failure of the case is laid more on the level of ideas. Line up and solve the problem theoretically in the head, to simulate the situation before an investment - is to make 80 % of case. More

PhD Natalia Petrovskaya

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