Saturday 23 November 2019

I do not want to participate in lie. Therefore, I do not want to work in an academic environment

You often ask me: "Why do not you want to work in an academic environment at the university of some country?"

I answer: "It's true." I really do not want this.
I'm reading the academic scientific articles, I see that they contain a huge number of errors, deception. They persistently rewrite the lie from each other and a lie is multiplying.

I feel myself as "Gelsomino in the country of liars" (Gianni Rodari).
We try to follow principles of real scientists, one of which is NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LIE.
I do not want to participate in lie. Therefore, I do not want to work in an academic environment.
I'm an independent scientist!"

P.S.  A fragment of our article "WHY ARE WE DOING PERSONAL RESEARCH?"

if we turn to the fountainhead with the question "What is a true scientist?" then we will see such signs of a real scientist, they are well known from classical philosophy:
A sincere desire to comprehend the truth (Without substituting the goals of cognition for a career, status, etc. Without this one point, there is no scientist);
Non-conformism (Independence from other people's opinions, from "likes", fashion trends);
Cosmopolitanism (Independence from the interests of a country, religious or national group, region, university, research institute, department, scientific school, etc.);
High competence in their field. Wide scientific interests (Ability to independently learn the truth, that is, to solve key problems and draw conclusions at the interfaces between sciences. The ability to prove the correctness of their judgments by rigorous calculations for himself, not by voting);
Openness of knowledge (Ability to openly and in a clear language to share acquired knowledge with the whole world, transfer his own knowledge to other areas, and not hide knowledge in "closed" journals);
High responsibility (Ability to be fully personally responsible for the results);
High morality (The desire to increase good in the world, not to increase evil, not to participate in lies);
Self-restraint (The desire to avoid excesses).
We ourselves sincerely try to adhere to these principles, and this inevitably led us from the university to the independent science.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

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