Friday, 31 August 2018

They hacked my facebook profile (August 15, 16, 2018)

They hacked my facebook profile and hid it from the chronicles (August 15, 16, 2018)

1. Assessing Investment Risks in Mining

2. Ph.D. Scientist. Writer. Independent Consultant. Concentration&Separation of Minerals. Benefication

3. I published the publication "Petrovsky's Criteria for Assessing Investment Risks in Mining". They blocked it in Linkedin. They do not send me the correct code in Facebook so I can not share with you (They send me hieroglyphs on the phone and I can not enter the profile.)

4.  Petrovsky's Criteria for Assessing Investment Risks in Mining

5.  We are ahead, and competitors are outsiders, who are compelled to overtake us

6.  We are ahead, and competitors are outsiders, who are compelled to overtake us

 And others.
I found it now.
Who did this? I ask you to check.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

I did not give permission to use my name for any company. I do not have any middlemen

Dear colleagues!

I am an independent expert and scientist. 
I am not affiliated with any companies, nor in any way.

But some companies use my name as an advertisement to promote their products or services.
For example, some Internet sites of companies and others contain my name or the names of my websites.
I ask you not to take this into account!
I did not give permission to use my name for any company. I do not have any middlemen.

Ph.D. Igor Bobin joins me. He is also independent expert and scientist.

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

 You can find out more about us on our official website (BLOGS & PROFILES).

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Someone installed Chrome on my new email. Who did this and for what purpose?

I got a new email. I did not notify this email to anyone. Someone installed Chrome on my new email. Who did this and for what purpose? Chrome has full access to my account.
I removed Chrome, installed 2-step verification, changed the password on a new email. They connected chrome again. Less than 5 minutes!
Who does this? Not me. Who?
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Do not take any signatures seriously without my personal presence or notarial authorization!


If somebody shows you my signature on any documents, then double-check it! 

Do not take any signatures seriously without my personal presence or notarial authorization! 

There may be cases of fraud.

 We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

You can not see what I'm sharing with you. Linkedin moderates all my actions again.

It looks like they hacked my profile in linkedin again and changed the settings. gmail hacked too.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Monday, 27 August 2018

The entire investment situation can be successfully calculated and identified using exact sciences, our deep knowledge and great experience in mining

These are not just words. Our assessment of risks is made on the strict calculation. 

Invest in the best!

With the advent of this deep assessment, you can already know the development of events for several decades ahead.

The necessary input data for the Assessing Investment Risks in Mining:
  • Mineral Analysis from X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), mineral composition of the ore (Required. The apparatus is much better, but not the person)
  • The chemical composition of the ore (It is desirable, but not obligatory. Can X-ray (XRF). The apparatus is much better, but not the person)
  • Description of rocks (It is desirable, but not obligatory)
  • The proposed ore processing technology (If this is available)
  • Laboratory results (If this is available)
  • Report  (If this is available)

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

We do not know who the stakeholders are and we do not want to know. You can contact us at any time and on condition of anonymity.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Sunday, 26 August 2018

One wrote: "I found a deposit of REE in graphite"

One wrote: "I found a deposit of REE in graphite"

It seems to me that this is a deposit of low-grade graphite. Such graphite costs 100 times less.

He found a very poor occurrence of graphite. No one bought it as a  graphite deposits. Then he decided to sell his occurrence as a REE deposit. This is not a REE deposit.

A good mineral deposit is a rare find. Not every occurrence of minerals is a true mineral deposit.

For example, under the guise of REE deposits, they can sell an occurrence containing apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite and many others. Such “deposits” are unpromising for the production of REE.

You too can apply to our consultation: "Assessing Investment Risks in Mining"

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Saturday, 25 August 2018

They systematically hack my sites

I created a website in WordPress.
Less than 1 month passed and they hacked him.
They repeatedly delete links to my profiles and scientific sites.

I have two-step verification. Nothing helps.

Friday, 24 August 2018

Assessment of investment risks in mining

Imagine that you can predict the financial catastrophe of a mining enterprise or its success is much more early (10-20 years before this event)!? 

He persuades you to buy a occurrence:  "The deposit contains rare earth metals, gold, silver, copper, iron, titanium, vanadium, nickel, lead, tin ..."

You decided: "I buy!"

Several decades passed.  You invested several billion dollars.

You did not receive bullion of gold or silver, ingots of rare earth metals,  copper, iron, titanium, vanadium, nickel, lead, tin.

But don't despair!
With the advent of "Assessment of investment risks in mining according to Petrovsky's criteria", you can already know the development of events for several decades ahead.

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Monday, 20 August 2018

We accept all kinds of payments

 Dear customers

We accept all kinds of payments for our services: Cryptocurrency, Money transfer, Bank transfer, electronic payment system, System of international money transfers and others.

You can contact us officially or anonymously.

We are always glad to help.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Sunday, 19 August 2018


  Excerpt from the article "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE"

Dealer. Contractor initially orients you to the technologies and products of certain brands.

In this case, it is likely that the contractor is a partisan representative of these brands of products.

He is initially biased in solving of your problem, and he will not consider all alternatives with technologies and products, which are better and cheaper for you.

 Free download of article  "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE" in pdf

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

They hacked my accounts again

 Who systematically hacks my accounts?
October 6, 2018. They cracked the page code in Linkedin and they disabled 2-step verification.
October 5, 2018. They cracked the page code in Linkedin and they disabled 2-step verification.
September 24, 2018. They cracked the page code in Linkedin. They hacked accounts google y linkedin
September 23, 2018. They hacked accounts google y linkedin  
September 22, 2018. They hacked Linkedinand Twitter and changed the settings. I wrote  "Who hides under the mask "Unknown region" and monitors every step I take? What is he hiding?" and they disabled 2-step verification.
September 18, 2018. They hacked Linkedin and changed the settings. I wrote  "CASINO ALSO DOES NOT WELCOME MATH PLAYERS!" and they disabled 2-step verification in Linkedin and gmail. I received a message in Telegrams. Did they want to hack into my account?
September 15, 2018.  I published "I DID NOT RECOMMEND GOLD" and they turned off and rebooted my facebook    All my accounts were hacked for this moment.
September 14, 2018. They hacked a Linkedin and disabled 2-step verification, changed the settings.
I DID NOT RECOMMEND GOLD but they hacked my twitter and  did it on my behalf (did it instead of me)  in my moment "Our advice to owners & investors".
September 13, 2018.  I wrote "In connection with the unhealthy interest and aggressive hunting of a number of countries and large companies to my science-intensive products, there is no a privacy of my correspondence in e-mail and social networks.---" More and they disabled 2-step verification. They hacked a Wordpress, Linkedin, gmail, bloggs. They hacked almost all of my accounts this week
September 12, 2018.  They hacked Linkedin and changed the settings
September 11, 2018.  They hacked Linkedin and changed the settings
September 9, 2018. I wrote "They create false email similar to ours" and they turned off the two-step verification More  They hacked a Twitter, gmx, gmail
September 5, 2018. I wrote "Mi reclamo en Gobierno de Chile" and they turned off 2-step verification (I did not inform this email to anyone!) More
September 3, 2018. The editor does not work (Wordpress)
September 2, 2018. 2-step verification does not work
August 30, 2018 They disabled two-step verification
August 26, 2018 They disabled two-step verification
August 21, 2018
August 19, 2018
August 15, 16, 2018. They hacked a facebook

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Assessing Investment Risks in Mining

With satisfaction we are happy to inform you about the appearance of a new outstanding service "Assessment of investment risks in mining according to Petrovsky's criteria."

This is the world's first comprehensive in-depth assessment for appraisal investment risks in mining.

With the advent of this deep assessment, you can already know the development of events for several decades ahead.

We do not have competitors. We are the only ones who have the necessary knowledge and we are ready to share with you.

We have created precise criteria for the assessment of investment risks in mining.

As a result, you get a realistic scenario of the most likely development of this mining enterprise.
You will receive diagrams that indicate the risks for each of the criteria.

You can compare a lot of options and choose the best, not what they impose on you.

You can easily see for yourself.

The entire investment situation can be successfully calculated and identified using exact sciences, our deep knowledge and great experience in mining.

Imagine that you can predict the financial catastrophe of a mining enterprise or its success is much more early (10-20 years before this event) !?

You really can do it with us!

These are not just words. Our assessment of risks is made on the strict calculation.

We work extensively and deeply at the junction of several sciences. Our assessment is impartial and objective.

We do not know who the stakeholders are and we do not want to know. You can contact us at any time and on condition of anonymity.

Think independently on a global scale! Invest in the best!

The necessary input data for the Assessing Investment Risks in Mining:
  • The mineral composition of the ore (Required)
  • The chemical composition of the ore (Required)
  • Description of rocks (It is desirable, but not obligatory)
  • The proposed ore processing technology

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

© Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya and Ph.D. Igor Bobin

Free download of article "Petrovsky's Criteria for Assessing Investment Risks in Mining" in pdf

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Despite the grinding the teeth (bruxism) of unscrupulous opponents, the authority of Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya in the mining industry is higher in the world than ever.

Everyone is trying to get her advice (to give it as its own wisdom). Get the genuine advice from the famous guru - Ph.D. Petrovskaya.

I am completely free to cooperate with positive persons and companies from all over the world who want to really create new high technology and want to earn money with me.

I do not have intermediaries and obligations and I did not sign any contracts.
All my scientific products belong only to me.

If you hear something different about us, then do not believe it!

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Monday, 13 August 2018

I am completely free to cooperate with positive persons and companies from all over the world who want to really create new high technology and want to earn money with me

I do not have intermediaries and obligations and I did not sign any contracts.

All my scientific products belong only to me.

If you hear something different about us, then do not believe it!

I am announcing an auction of our scientific achievements that will make the work from the field of mining and metallurgy very lucrative, simple, fast and easy  More

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Rules for participation in a paid auction

I am announcing an auction of our scientific achievements that will make the work from the field of mining and metallurgy very lucrative, simple, fast and easy 

Rules for participation in a paid auction:

  • Anyone can use the auction.

  • The buyer wins the auction if the price offered by him is the highest of the prices offered by other buyers at the end of the auction .

  • In the event that the seller has an express price, the buyer may offer an express price without waiting for the end of the auction; in this case, he wins the auction, and the tenders are considered closed.
  • For more information, see the Auction page here
  • If the auction participant, who won the auction, participated in the auction on a fee basis, the payment made for participation is deducted from the cost.

Payment for the auction is $ 1000 US

You can apply here. We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Saturday, 11 August 2018

If you hear something different about us, then do not believe it!

I'm not looking for a job in any country. I'm not interested in positions in universities and companies. Recruiters, do not bother me!

I do not seek and do not apply for a residence permit in any country (and have never looked for it before), except for the country where I live now.

I do not have intermediaries and obligations and I did not sign any contracts.
All my scientific products belong only to me.

I am completely free to cooperate with positive persons and companies from all over the world who want to really create new high technology and want to earn money with me.
Igor Bobin too.
If you hear something different about us, then do not believe it!
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

One wrote: "I found a deposit of scandium"

One wrote: "I found a deposit of scandium"

I made a calculation by my methods and found out:

He found a very poor occurrence of bauxite. No one bought it as a bauxite deposits. Then he decided to sell his occurrence as a scandium deposit. This is not a scandium deposit.

A good mineral deposit is a rare find. Not every occurrence of minerals is a true mineral deposit.

For example, under the guise of REE deposits, they can sell an occurrence containing apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite and many others. Such “deposits” are unpromising for the production of REE.

You can apply to our consultation too: "The express evaluation of the ore deposit"

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Friday, 10 August 2018

Who wants to hide their visits to my blogs?

They disabled the map, because a person from an unknown region visited the blog. The map works only where there are no people from an unknown region.

They began to hide their visit to my blogs when I published

I do not work with Russia but they pursue my every step

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Thursday, 9 August 2018


  Excerpt from the article "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE"

Innovator. Mediator offers to you new products (equipment, reagents), but doesn't offer to you a ready-made recipes (decisions) of its application for your Plant, for your ore. It assumes that you will understand how to apply all those expensive new items yourself
Very often, these "innovations" are 30-50 years old. Since that time, there are other, better patents on the use of these products. However, the mediator doesn't know it
If you don't succeed to get the effect from the use of this new product in some time, then the mediator answers to your request: "Try to increase the consumption of new reagent to 2 (5, 10, 100) times! You can also replace your other reagents (equipment) to the new items (more expensive). We provide it all. Maybe it will help for you." 
However, nobody of innovators advises reduce the consumption of reagents, eliminate unnecessary equipment. 
All the rest - it is your problem.

Innovator uses fashion words, phishing words: It can be diamond drilling bits, XRF, polymers, unconventional mineral deposits.

He tells you that this is not elementary field. 
They found it from space using satellite data.

For you there is a difference, how did he find his field, if it is bullshit?

 Free download of article  "TEN  SIGNS  OF  A  SWINDLE" in pdf

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya 

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

We are scientists who help businessmen get super-profits!

We are the only ones who have done this in the  minerals benefication! 
We do not have competitors.
I invite you to our auction.

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Monday, 6 August 2018

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya:

Ph.D. Igor Bobin:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya and Ph.D. Igor Bobin

Sunday, 5 August 2018

You ask me about the investments in my country

I appeal to official and state bodies to solve my gestion often. They do not solve questions.

As a rule, they do not answer me or answer like this: 
  • I closed the case. 
  • I attached this case to another. 
  • I will not answer. 
  • I already sent the answer. 
  • I passed the complaint to another. 
  • This is not my competence. 
  • You do not understand my language ...
Now imagine that you have invested billions of dollars and read their answers again. Where will you find your money?

 A small example from my life.
 In 2015 I provided the documents to the state attorneys. According to the law, he had to collect a debt in my favor from one person. More than 3 years have passed. The debt of this person has grown 10 times. State lawyers want to close the case.  Assistant attorneys require that I withdraw the application (They want, that I withdraw from the claim in The Court).

I wish you all good luck.
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya 

Saturday, 4 August 2018

We live and work in the information blockade

Reminding everyone that We work under strict censorship.
They hack all our accounts regularly.

 Let's try to communicate here
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

On August 3, 2018, we created a email

On August 3, 2018, we created a email

I have not been able to create email

I warn you.

We have nothing to do with email  (and others email (gmx) too).

Less than 20 hours passed. Why are all emails from this address spammed?
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

German email GMX is not secure as the American email gmail, yahoo

We got a German email GMX.
They hacked my mail yesterday.
Who sent all our messages to spam?
Why do not you receive a letter from me?

 Let's try to communicate here

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Friday, 3 August 2018

Top 10 tweets in July on Twitter

1. Website "CONCENTRATION OF MINERALS": Top 10 posts in June

2. The most famous stock exchanges where they successfully trade METALS:
 New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
 London Metal Exchange (LME)
 Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE)
 Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc. (TOCOM)

3. If the waste is a real deposit, then we will identify and find them. You can not doubt this.
The mathematical analysis have their own special beauty, but it is not open to everyone.
Our "philosophy of beneficiation" is based on rigorous mathematical analysis plus our knowledge.

4. Poseur On your question of "What you can offer me in my specific situation?", Contractor says that he and his company is a well-known brand with a reputation and history. Excerpt from the article "TEN SIGNS OF A SWINDLE"

5. They use my name and my profiles to promote their products and services without my permission. They hack all my content systematicallyI did not add a Chilean company. They hacked my profile and added this Chilean company.

6. I'm NOT A POLITICAL SCIENTIST. I'm studying a Physical World Map, not a Political World Map

7. Mineral or metal? What is the difference?

8. Sitio web "CONCENTRACIÓN DE MINERALES": Top 10 publicaciones en junio

9. I have already made my breakthrough in the future of mining.
I'm already doing all this.
The Scanning system of mining is my only competitor.
I will create a Scanning system of mining in the language of the one who will pay for it

10. I'm not interested in working in an university group or other scientific group or a team, in such groups there is usually a very blurred composition of their members and the same blurred responsibility for the final result of the project.

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

We are looking for good programmers to create "Mineral Benefication Information System"

Who can use the "Mineral Benefication Information System"?
⦁ Banks, Exchanges, Investment funds, Investors, Angels, Shareholders. Risk calculation
⦁ Economists. Calculation of profit
⦁ Metallurgists, concentrators, technologists, design companies. Creation of technologies for ore processing
⦁ Geologists, shareholders. Determination of the effectiveness of deposite
⦁ Research metallurgical laboratories. Researching
⦁ Owners of existing plants. Reconstruction and modernization of the plant
⦁ Mineralogists. Geologists. Determination of perspective, critical, strategic minerals
⦁ Reagents sellers, plants. Selection of reagents
⦁ Manufacturers of equipment. Creation of new equipment and new applications for existing equipment
⦁ Manufacturers of reagents. Creation of new reagents
⦁ The creators of technology. Creation of new technologies
⦁ Universities, scientists, researchers, specialists. Simulation and modeling of ore benefication processes and systems
⦁ Design companies, the creators of technology, metallurgists, concentrators, technologists, scientists, researchers, specialists. The choice of the method for the separation of minerals

We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya and Ph.D. Igor Bobin