Monday 15 January 2018

Linkedin is fighting against science and scientists?

I shared my publication "CLASSIFICATION OF THE METHODS FOR THE SEPARATION OF MINERALS" in my groups in Linkedin "Beneficiation. Concentration. Separation. Enrichment." and "HOLLYWOOD and MINING".
They removed these posts. They are moderating all my actions.

Igor Bobin podelilsya this article in the groups. They hid this publication from you.
What is the purpose of hiding my scientific publications in a professional network from my colleagues?

Why do they delete my scientific publications?

Linkedin is fighting against science and scientists?

They delete all references and mentioning to my scientific work in LinkedIn!
They are not only fighting me?
They are fighting with my scientific publications too?

You can read also
Who hides my scientific publications? What Goal?

Why do they delete my scientific articles and films in the Linkedin in my group "HOLLYWOOD & MINING"?

I demand the abolition of censorship

Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya

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