Dear friends. You offer me to develop a business in my country.
But, what country are we talking about? What does “my country” mean? I am a man of the world, cosmopolitan. I am out of politics. I feel myself so. For me, all countries are mine.
See my diagram. Criteria of Petrovskaya: metals – minerals – deposits – technologies. Where is no the country, the state.
I look and choose only minerals and deposits. But not
countries. I can choose the best deposit, equipment, reagents, create
technology and get profit.
As for the political system, stability, etc., you decide which country is best for you business, I am not a politician.
As a person who is responsible and honest, I can tell you
frankly that I will not vouch for anyone (person, team, enterprise …).
I am confident only in myself.
Therefore, if we are talking about relatively small investments (about USD 10-20 millions), then I can recommend you to invest in me, this is the most reliable investment.
So, my business plan is an investment in me and under my name. Then
we decide what is best for you, we can determine in detail the larger
investments (under USD 1 billion and more): where and how to do it
better. To determine this, I need to work hard and count.
No one (except the scammer) can tell you reliably on the fly: “Now this is the right thing to do! Invest only there!”
All the available information about the object, calculations and experience are needed to say this. Hurry up, because I may be busy in another project very soon.
In connection with the unhealthy interest and aggressive hunting of a number of countries and large companies to my science-intensive products, there is no a privacy of my correspondence in e-mail and social networks.
For serious negotiations, you can use the Telegram Secret Chat here (it is better to use only this type of communication in all cases).
You often ask me: "Why do not you want to work in an academic environment at the university of some country?"
I answer: "It's true. I really do not want this. I do not want to participate in Lie! Therefore, I do not want to work in an academic environment. I'm an independent scientist!"
I do not take judging about the scope of scientific knowledge from which
I am far. However, what they (academic science) write in their articles
about my whole area of the mineral processing, this is a complete
nightmare and ignorance. I read the articles in different languages and I
am horrified. These "scientists" do not even understand what they
write. Most of them simply rewrite other mistakes and misconceptions.
This is not science. If there are guides, then the processing of
minerals is in a steep peak. The poor Earth Climate will not take away
this ignorance. This is not my way.
Academic community seeks to score each scientist a label of the country,
scientific school or university: "If a scientist reached any
scientific heights, this is not his merit, but it means that his country
(which of them?) is such a "great" and "wise" (scientific school or
university too). This is not discussed! In their opinion, the personal
merit of the scientist does not exist without THE MERIT OF THE
UNIVERSITY. So the delegations go to establish academic exchanges.
Agreements on intent are signed. They appoint official "teachers" and
"disciples" of this scientific genius, so that these official "teachers"
and "disciples" sign any fraudulent contracts and projects without reading. The lie is multiplied. But I do not want to participate in this lie!
I do not have any teachers or disciples! I was taught only on basics of sciences as well as thousands of others students. I reached my wisdom by self-knowledge!
And I did not give to anyone the depth of my knowledge, I did not teach
anyone. Everyone who calls himself as my disciple (or teacher) - is the
We are cosmopolitans!
We work for all of humanity, not for a country or a university. We are working independently for many years. We are in us self. Do not associate us with some country, scientific school or university!
They do not own our knowledge; they do not have the authorship in our
inventions and our know-how. Several countries and universities try to
attribute our merit to its self. But they do not have anything, except
their positions and rights of the signature in their university and
their country. We are not serfs! We do not belong to them as the results of our work too!
They can not create anything really working, but only counterfeit and only on paper.
The role of personality in science is strongly underestimated. This is one of the distributed mistakes of our time.
I'm reading the academic scientific articles, I see that they contain a
huge number of errors and deception. I do the comments, but they
persistently rewrite the lie from each other and a lie is multiplying.
I feel myself as "Gelsomino in the country of liars".
We try to follow principles of Real Scientist, one of which is NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE LIE.
I do not want to participate in Lie! Therefore, I do not want to work in an academic environment.
I'm an independent scientist!
Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya References 1. Igor Bobin, Natalia Petrovskaya WHY ARE WE DOING PERSONAL RESEARCH? More 2. A. Solzhenitsyn “Living not according to a lie”
Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure!
However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor:
Bubble. Under various pretexts, Contractor is actively trying to
attract to the implementation of the project as much as possible
quantity of performers and subcontractors (often from different countries).
He also clearly justifies the need to divide the project into numerous
intermediate parts and sub-parts. Contractor justifies the need for a
large quantity of experiments, analysis, tests, consultations.
Why? Indeed, in this case, it is much easier to justify the exaggerated
budget of the project and to dilute responsibility for the final result.
Who is a culpable, that it didn't work? Immediately one could not tell
it. "It's been a part of the project, and it is made with quality! Let's
look at a new project, all these things can be improved!"
And your looting continues.
The worse the work is done, the more contractor earns with additional services to further improve of some things.
And you feel a pity for to stop it all, because you have already given the contractor a lot of money.
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
The investor asks me: "I bought
a mineral deposits. Five years have passed. Many
research laboratories in the world have done experiments. No one can get
anything. Do at least something! I've already spent a lot of money.
Help me return at least part of the money invested."
I always start with a theoretical analysis of the ore.This is my know-how.I am the only specialist in the world who does this. More
I made calculations and told the investor: "Forget about the money spent and this field. Now you have spent millions and have no result. You can spend another 20 years and spend billions and you won't have results either."
And only that man, who is wise, will come to me today to get advice before investing. This is your money! You choose!
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
Plant project "PASCUA-LAMA" (Chile, Argentina) Owners: 100 % Barrick Gold Corp. (Canada)
Barrick Gold has an overrun of US $ 8 billion on The Plant "PASCUA-LAMA" (Chile) that they have not been able to build for 20 years? ? It's true?
Barrick Gold plant "PASCUA-LAMA" in Chile has not produced a single ounce of gold or silver for 20 years.
Mark Bristow, CEO said: "Barrick Gold owes:
US $ 443 million to the Treasury of Chile, plus $ 340 million in interest.
US $ 253 million to the Wheaton Precious Metals Corp (amount as of December 31, 2018)
All these obligations are added to the amount Barrick actually disbursed in a project "PASCUA-LAMA" that in its beginnings, almost 20 years ago, cost about US $ 950 million, but which ended with an overrun of over US $ 8 billion." Where was the money spent?
IMHO, The copper and gold content of the ore is very low. It is lower than the outboard content on some mine. Ph.D. Natalia Petrovskaya
Excerpt from the article "TEN SIGNS OF A SWINDLE" Assume that you are an owner or a manager of mining and metallurgical Plant, and you have a need to solve some complex technical problem (to develop a project of a new Plant, a new technology, to optimize the processes, to change the equipment, software, etc.). You can't do it yourself, because you don't have experts. By an advice of friends you are accessing to the mediation company offering engineering services and much other. "They will help me for sure here! It's all so serious, it's almost a ministry!" Maybe so. But you should not relax. After all, only you are interested in a solution of your problem. All others are only interested in your money and no one is going to save your money. That's for sure! However, enough the presence of the following features to recognize an unscrupulous contractor: Demagogue. Contractor avoids direct discussion of technical substance of the draft.
He avoids direct answers to your pressing technical questions. He is masked under common arcane phrases, buzz words, pseudo-scientific formulations. "This is a very complicated electrochemical process! I can explain it to you, but it is excessively difficult and it takes a lot of time. You will not understand..."
You can't win him in discuss. It's impossible! He is a sophist!
Most likely, this man and his team are technically incompetent, they don’t understand the essence of your problem.
2. Do I need to economize on flotation? NO! (13 November 2018)More
3. I did not give the permission to use my scientific achievements. Never and no one (6 April 2019)More
4. I DESERVE THE BEST! I CAN CHOOSE! (24 April 2019)More
5. You need my "Mineral Benefication Information System" and "Petrovsky's Matrix" (5 February 2019)More
6. For me, it's not news that the USGS does not distinguish minerals from metals. Why didn't anyone tell them about that for 100 years? (21 February 2018)More
7. I didn't ask you to take away our only means of livelihood (28 December 2018)More
This is one of my most popular publications.Why do they delete this publication systematically?Why don't they like this publication?
8. Top 10 of the WORST REPORTS (24 June 2018) More
9. Who deleted the drawing from my post about pine oil? (19 December 2018) More
This is one of my most popular publications.Why do they delete this publication systematically?Why don't they like this publication?
10. To whom will you sell iron concentrate with a high content of silicates? (29 April 2018)More
11. "AGENCY OF INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION" doesn't know that lithium, tantalum and niobium are not rare-earth metals (4 December 2017) More
12. Do American banks continue to pursue me? (30 April 2019)More
13. I buy mineral deposit for myself, so I only consider my opinion (29 January 2019)More
This is one of my most popular publications.Why do they delete this publication systematically?Why don't they like this publication?
14. If I use XRF to the golf course, possibly I will find more than 30 chemical elements. What do you think, can this golf course be a mineral deposit? (18 February 2018) More
This is one of my most popular publications.Why do they delete this publication systematically?Why don't they like this publication?
15. THEY HACKED MY ACCOUNTS AGAIN (11 January 2018) More
16. How could the minerals remain in the slag after smelting? (14 December 2018)More
17. Always be convinced with what Natalia Petrovskaya you are dealing! (19 October 2018) More
18. They in Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy and Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment don't know the difference between minerals, metals, rocks, mineral groups, metal groups and so on (4 April 2018) More
19. YOU DESERVE THE BEST! YOU CAN CHOOSE! (15 September 2018) More
20. I did not create this profile in TWEETCS. Who did it? (14 January 2018) More
21. Investment in me is the most reliable investment! (21 December 2018) More
24. The Chinese company XINHAI has created a website on my behalf. The site contains advertising of state company of Chile "CODELCO". I DID NOT GIVE PERMISSION TO USE MY NAME! (14 January 2018)More
25. I did not give permission to use my name, my intellectual property, my articles, my sites (12 September 2018) More
26. The mediators between us are a needless links (7 October 2018) More
27. Why Scandium and Yttrium are not-strategic metals (according to Wikipedia)? (1 November 2017) More
28. BEING MINERAL OR NOT IS IMPORTANT!!! (10 November 2017)More
29. One geologist told me: "I've found a deposit of REE" (11 February 2018) More
30. They (Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter, University of London, UK) do not know what apatite, thorite, fluorite, brockite occurrence are unpromising for the production of REE (8 January 2018) More
"So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
Owners: KGHM International 55 % (Poland) Sumitomo Metal Mining 31,5 % (Japan) Sumitomo Corporation 13,5 % (Japan)
The Japanese company Sumitomo Metal Mining (SMM), which owns a 31.5% stake in the Chilean copper mine Sierra Gorda, lost about $1.35 billion from the depreciation of this asset in 2017/2018? It's true?
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
In 2018, The Plant "Minera Escondida" in Chile produced 266794 tons of copper cathode (metallic copper), which the owners can sell on the exchange.
Let's count:
How many tons of copper each owner can sell at the exchange price:
57.5 % BHP Billiton (Australia) - 153407 tons of copper cathode;
30 % Rio Tinto (UK) - 80038 tons of copper cathode;
10 % JECO Corp. (Japon) - 26679 tons of copper cathode;
2.5 % International Finance Corp. (USA) - 6670 tons of copper cathode.
The Plant "Minera Escondida" produced 975893 tons of copper concentrate in 2018, too. Copper concentrate from The Plant "Minera Escondida (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs. The concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals. The Plant "Minera Escondida" does not produce either gold or silver.
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
The plant LOS BRONCES (Chile) Owners: Anglo American plc
50,1 % (UK) JV Codelco-Mitsui 29,5% (Chile, Japan) Mitsubishi Corp. 20,4% (Japan) The plant Los Bronces (The flotation plant Las Tórtolas, Chile) produces copper concentrate but not copper, molybdenum concentrate but not molybdenum. The concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metal. Copper concentrate from the plant Los Bronces (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs. Copper concentrate and molybdenum concentrate are sent to the Chagres Smelter (or others Metallurgical Plant).
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
The plant El Soldado (Chile) Owners: Anglo American plc
50,1 % (UK) JV Codelco-Mitsui 29,5% (Chile, Japan) Mitsubishi Corp. 20,4% (Japan)
The plant El Soldado (Chile) produces copper concentrate, but not copper. The concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metal.
Copper concentrate from the plant El Soldado (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs.
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
IMHO, NEWMONT GOLDCORP - TECK "NuevaUnión" (Chile) does not produce neither copper, nor gold, nor molybdenum. NEWMONT GOLDCORP - TECK "NuevaUnión" (Chile) produces copper concentrate and molybdenum concentrate. The concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.
IMHO: This is not copper, gold and molybdenum which you can sell on the exchange! Copper concentrate from the plant NEWMONT GOLDCORP - TECK "NuevaUnión" (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs.
NEWMONT GOLDCORP - TECK "NuevaUnión" (Chile) promise to get 224000 tons per year of copper in concentrate.
IMHO. It is not true. The
maximum amount of copper (theoretically possible) that they can extract
from their ore is 147440 tons per year of copper in concentrate.More
He persuades you to buy a occurrence: "The deposit contains rare earth metals, gold, silver, copper, iron, titanium, vanadium, nickel, lead, tin ..." You decided: "I buy!"
Several decades passed. You invested several billion dollars.
You did not receive bullion of gold or silver, ingots of rare earth
metals, copper, iron, titanium, vanadium, nickel, lead, tin.
But don't despair! With the advent of
"Assessment of investment risks in mining according to Petrovsky's
criteria", you can already know the development of events for several
decades ahead.
We do not have intermediaries. You can contact us directly:
CANDELARIA MINING COMPLEX (Chile) does not produce neither copper, nor gold, nor silver.
CANDELARIA MINING COMPLEX produces copper concentrate, nothing more. A concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.
IMHO, It’s not true that "The mining company reported that between July and September (2019) this mine produced 40698 tons of copper, along with approximately 24,000 oz of gold and 355,000 oz of silver."
IMHO: Copper concentrate from CANDELARIA MINING COMPLEX (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs. This is not copper, gold and silver which you can sell on the exchange!
The plant Antofagasta Minerals "LOS PELAMBRES" (Chile) does not produce a single ton of copper, and according to their information is "We are among the first 5 copper producers in Chile". How is this possible?
The plant Antofagasta Minerals "Los Pelambres" (Chile) does not produce neither copper, nor molybdenum, nor gold or silver. The plant Antofagasta Minerals "Los Pelambres" produces copper concentrates and molybdenum concentrates, nothing more. A concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
Owners: Anglo American plc (44%), (UK) Glencore (44%), (Switzerland) Japan Collahuasi Resources B.V. (12%), consorcio integrado por Mitsui & Co., Nippon Mining & Metals Co. y Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., (Japan)
IMHO, COMPAÑÍA MINERA DOÑA INÉS DE COLLAHUASI (Chile) does not produce a single ton of copper and, according to their information, is "among the six main copper producers in the world". How is this possible?
COMPAÑÍA MINERA DOÑA INÉS DE COLLAHUASI (Chile) produces copper concentrate and molybdenum concentrate, nothing more. A concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.
For example, in 2015, COMPAÑÍA MINERA DOÑA INÉS DE COLLAHUASI (Chile) produced 22200 tons of cathode copper.
It seems to me that this is not enough to become "the main copper producers in the world".
IMHO, in 2019, "Antofagasta Minerals" together with partners produced 211100 tons of cathode copper in Chile. Antofagasta Minerals produced 136150 tons of cathode copper in Chile in 2019 (taking into account the shares of its partners). It seems to me that this is not enough for world's largest copper producer.
The plant Antofagasta Minerals "Los Pelambres" (Chile) does not produce neither copper, nor molybdenum, nor gold or silver.
The plant Antofagasta Minerals "Los Pelambres" produces copper concentrates and molybdenum concentrates, nothing more. A concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.
The plant Antofagasta Minerals "Centinela" (Chile) produced 81100 tons of copper cathodes in 2019. The rest is copper concentrates and molybdenum concentrates, which are not copper or molybdenum.
From the series of publications "So they create a fairy tales for the investor" - "They draw up the necessary documents and begin to search for the simpleton..."
Diego Hernandez president of Billiton Base Metals told Reuters during a
televised (07 Apr 2008) that... Escondida produced 1,483 million tonnes
of the red metal last year..."
It’s not true that The Plant "Minera Escondida" in Chile produced 1,483 million tonnes of copper in 2007.
The Plant "Minera Escondida" in Chile produced 124000 tons of copper in 2007.
IMHO: The remaining 1,359 million tons are stones, sand, minerals containing copper, but they are not metallic copper. They call it "copper concentrate", "fine copper contained in concentrate", "cobre fino contenido en concentrado"...
They wrote on the BHP website that "Escondida mine is the world's largest copper producer".
The Plant "Minera Escondida" in Chile produces 120-350 kt of copper cathode.The remaining million tons are stones, sand, minerals, but not copper.
IMHO: This is not enough to become "the world's largest copper producer".
The Plant "Minera Escondida" does not produce either gold or silver, but copper concentrate and copper cathode. Copper concentrate from The Plant "Minera Escondida (Chile) is an intermediate product that is cheap and requires further processing and significant financial costs. The concentrate is stones, sand, minerals, but not metals.